Sunday, October 5, 2008

I knew this would happen.

Just disregard my previous post. Well, maybe not all of it. Last night I reached the point that I was afraid would come. I miss him. Or I think I miss him. I don't know the difference anymore. I knew that things were too good to be true. I knew that I was handling it all just a little too well. I hate that I sound like some high-school drama queen right now. This unsure feeling sucks. In the back of my mind, I hear the reasonable voice, telling me that its not him I miss, just the idea of him.
I just want to know, or maybe deep down I do and I just can't admit it. This is the first time that I have felt genuinely upset about us.

This is probably just an off day.

I babble sometimes.


Tracy said...

Love you babe!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you are missing him...stay strong...and know we are here for you.