Friday, October 31, 2008


I'm in a funk. Lonely and self pitying. It has to stop.
Halloween. I had a great night with my nieces and nephews and the rest of the family.
However, the second I got in my car, by myself, I felt blah.
Perhaps, I shouldn't spend any time alone, I think too much.
I ate Portillo's today. This probably means nothing to the people who read my blog. If you are curious, google it.
I finally squeezed into jeans that haven't fit me in two years. Sure, they were a little snug, but they fit... and that made me happy.
It's my grandparents (Fred's mom and dad) 50th wedding anniversary party this weekend. It blows my mind. 50 years with the same person is amazing. If I want to have a shot at being married that long, I better get married tomorrow.
I'm a jealous person. I wish I wasn't, it's not something I am proud of.
I miss my dad. I wish I had an extra 300 dollars lying around so I could fly down to Florida to see him.
This blog is so unstructured and it really bothers me. But, it resembles my thoughts right now. Choppy and random.
I think everyone should keep a diary and write in it at least once a week. I retract that. Once a month. If I were to say once a week, that would be hypocritical.
Writing this pointless blog is keeping me from the unevitable. Thinking.



Anonymous said... one single trick or treater

alone....i went through those same feelings all today/ and i should just be glued to the hips to solve this problem

those jeans looked dang good on you my friend...definitely not too inappropriate to that butt off!

i wish i could get married tomorrow, ugh...

ive realized more and more i am indeed a jealous envious for the chocolate that i see people eating in class and im envious of anyone who gets andy's time when hes not with me

i miss my daddy too...the only difference is even if i had $300 he wouldnt have time for me :(

keeping a diary is something i do not have the patience for...but you keep up this blog...i blog vicariously through you

well there you have it, my random and choppy thoughts in response to your choppy and random thoughts!

love you lots florence!

Tracy said...

Random and Choppy seems to be a theme. here is mine.

I'm 27 years old, and going to have three kids three and under.

I have no time for myself.

I'm flirting with a married man at work.

My husband is wonderful, and tries so hard.... yet I still don't "put out" enough to keep him happy. Sorry TMI.

My boobs hurt, and my pants don't fit.

There, my first blog... under Flo's comments

Ok, for real... I'm off to bed :) Love ya Flo Flo!!!