Monday, April 22, 2013

Nobody likes you when you're 33.

Most days, I love my life. My future husband is my best friend, who puts up with my psychosis on a weekly basis, loves without hesitation, and has a smile that lights up a room and my dark side. I've said it before and I will say it again. The man is my rock. I have a job that constantly challenges me, puts food on the table, and comes with the best co-workers a girl could ask for. My family is nosy, loud, dramatic, hypersensitive, and full of love. Without them, I do not exist.
I am sitting here on this worn out couch,  away from the cold, away from evil, rereading how good I have it and I know that I am blessed. Selfish as it sounds, something is missing. 

As I said, most days I love my life. Growing up, I've always had an abundance of friends. Lifelong friends that are now family, school friends that bring me back, and special friends that have entered my life unexpectedly along this journey of mine.  I do cherish them all for different reasons. 

That being said, I am at a place in my life that is not parallel with the female friends that are in close proximity of where I live. I am struggling connecting with girlfriends more than ever. Not only has this caught me completely off guard, but it has affected my overall happiness. 

At age 33? Really? Shouldn't this be getting easier? 

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