Saturday, April 10, 2010

Feel like a woman...

I'm just a mess. I'm an emotional basket case and have been for a week. My hormones should be on the downslide but instead are on the surface.  I'm crying at pictures of babies, crying at stories that have nothing to do with me, crying if someone so much as raises their voice at me. Tears of joy and tears of frustration. Tears of anger and tears of confusion.  Oh, and it's not just the tears. I'm angry too. My grandmother's "tell it like it is" attitude that I've inherited, is coming out more than ever. Then there is the irrational worrying. I'm freaking out over things that I cannot control, worrying about non-existant situations. 

This is why I haven't blogged in awhile.

Note to my loyal followers: Please don't read this and drive me off to a remote location where I will be promptly placed in a room with padded walls and a truck load of medication. I'm just a little hormonal, I promise.

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