Wednesday, May 13, 2009

rough draft

this feeling in the pit of my stomach...
when will it go away?
these words replaying in my head...
which ones shall I choose to say?

these eyes of mine have seen so much ...
when will it feel as I have had enough?
freely the wind blows and cleanses my soul
yet these emotions have already taken their toll

moments have passed, time will no longer wait...
has my unwavering guilt sealed my fate?
these answers I may forever seek...
for the questions I am unable to speak.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


May is pure insanity. Already, I have attended one of Cabrina's softball games, celebrated Mother's Day with my family, hung out with Mark's family at the cabin in Chetek, conquered another anniversary with Mark (3 years!)and continued my up and down struggle with running. Yet to come is Timothy's college graduation in Duluth, the birth of my nephew, Greek food with Andrea, a much needed haircut, developing photos from my disposable cameras, saying goodbye to my roommate Tom, the birth of my friend's third child, picking up my dad from the airport (and dropping him off), getting a physical for school in the fall and of course continuing the running game.
I love to be busy! I have been bored for way too long.

I received my birthday present from Mark today. Yes, it was two months late (exactly), but it is something that I wanted and never would have bought for myself.
I am now a proud owner of a Carlos Zambrano Jersey. Considering that Mark oh so subtly measured me a couple months ago, I wasn't too shocked that my present was an article of clothing, ha ha! He always gives the most thoughtful gifts, but tends to give away his surprises. It doesn't help that I am the master detective and never miss a beat either.

Mark and I had a conversation about vacations the other day and how we really need to go on one this summer. Three years of dating and we haven't been on a vacation together with just the two of us! How sad! It was fun bouncing ideas off of each other and thinking of places that both of us would enjoy. I wouldn't say we are opposites, but we do have different tastes in this area and wherever we go, compromises will definitely need to be made. Oh, and a camera will need to be purchased! I am so tired of being without one. For those wondering why my blog lacks photos, this is why!

Okay, enough updates for now, I need to get some sleep. Tomorrow I am plan on venturing to a baby store called "Adorable". I am hoping to find unique gifts that I can get for a decent price. I can't believe that this baby will be here any day now!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

more fitness

I wish my life were more exciting right now and that I would have tons and tons of updates. Unfortunately, that is not the case. One thing that is somewhat of an update, is that I am still plugging away at the whole running thing. Last post I was overjoyed with the accomplishment of running for a mere two minutes. Now, I am up to ten. I still have no clue what the distance is, for all I know it could be half a mile, ha! Oh well, all I care is that my heart is getting a workout and that I feel amazing afterwards. Just when my ego starts to inflate, I come back to reality as soon as I start thinking of my sister-in law Heather, who is training for a marathon! Seriously, just to be training for one is impressive to me!

**okay, got a little lazy and was distracted here. will do another blog soon.