Sunday, February 22, 2009

So many movies... so little cash.

I need to see so many movies.

Little Miss Sunshine
Revolutionary Road
The Notebook
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Twilight (heard this was awful, but I read the book...)
He's just not that into you
Gran Torino
A Walk To Remember
Gone with the Wind
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
My Sister's Keeper (another book)
No Country for Old Men
Sex and the City
Breakfast at Tiffany's
The Family Stone
The Reader
27 Dresses
Slumdog Millionaire
Shop Girl
Garden State

Okay,that's enough for more. I need to get me some Netflix or something...
Oh, and anyone want to over some reviews? No spoilers though! :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

lowercase this place

this blogging thing is harder than i thought. imagine that. seriously, i dont know if I should blog about things that are big, things that are little, things that are profound. really, do people care about the little things? like, how the other day i shoveled the sidewalk and parts of the driveway, and then i cleaned off my car and knocked a bunch of snow on to the driveway. this of course bothered me so much that i had to reshovel that area. do people really want to know how neurotic i can be. or how about the fact that i am not using all the correct capitalization and punctuation in this blog because i am lazy and find that i can type 3 times faster without doing so? honestly, i feel more open and creative when i am lying in my bed. unfortunately, my computer is usually downstairs in the living room, completely shutdown. so that is the main reason i dont blog very much. oh, and the fact that my life is mostly boring with a little uninteresting mixed in. feelings i have been having lately: anxiousness... mostly due to not being able to get into a program at school yet. moody... due to being female. haha. seriously, my hormones have been a ragin' lately. what gives? guilt... i have been feeling guilty for inflicting my moodiness on innocent bystanders. guilty for not doing more productive things with all my free time. for not being a better friend. a better girlfriend. a better sister. a better daugther. a better roomate. yeah, so mostly been feeling guilty lately, huh? hmmm.... that has definitely got to change.
getting excited lately though, that is a good feeling. can't wait til my sis pops out her kid in may. i hope she throws out all her name ideas and decides to name munchkin after me. florence is a good boy name, right? seriously, i cant wait to see her as a mom. tear.
valentines day was last weekend. was a little bummed that mark had to work late, but we made the best of it. we did our annual trip to olive garden. its one of our few traditions and it made me happy. i like traditions. they make me smile. no, i am not drunk. ahh, i still have some chocolates left over. i have been playing russian roulette with them. so far, its been about a success rate of about 50-50.
its getting late, and i hvae to hit the restroom. was going to make brownies, but sleep sounds more appealing. never thought i would say that...

i met God awhile back. more about that, later.